MacSonic - Buried in Time
Games Domain - The Journeyman Project 2: BIT Review
Hyper@ctive Online Games 9/95 - BIT Review
The Gamer's Ledge 9/95 - BIT: Journeyman Project II Review
Click Interactive Magazine 7/95 - Buried in Production
NewMedia Magazine - BIT: The Inside Story
The Boston Globe 7/31/95 - BIT preview
Computer Game Review 8/95 - BIT preview
Computer Gaming World 8/95 - BIT in "Now Playing" section
Computer Player 6/95 - BIT cover story/preview
Daily Gazette 8/17/95 - BIT review
Dallas Morning News 7/29/95 - BIT review
Entertainment Weekly 7/31/95 - BIT review
Flux 7/95 (Issue # 5) - BIT preview
Inside Mac Games 8/95 - BIT review, "Making of" on CD-ROM
Interactivity 7, 8/95 - BIT "making of" cover story
Multimedia Merchandising 7/95 - BIT in "Spotlight" section
NEW MEDIA 8/95 - BIT awarded 1995 Invision Awards
Newsweek 8/7/95 - BIT review
Nightly Business Report 8/1/95 - BIT in article on CD-ROM games
Prodigy Online 7/95 - BIT review
SMART 8/14/95 - BIT review
Strategy Plus 8/95 - BIT preview
USA Today 8/17/95 - BIT review
Wall Street Journal 7/20/95 - BIT review